The construction of the memory of Jewish migrants and refugees in Uruguay as part of a migratory intangible heritage
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memoria; patrimonio migratorio inmaterial; judíos Shoá; Uruguay

How to Cite

Facal, S. (2024). The construction of the memory of Jewish migrants and refugees in Uruguay as part of a migratory intangible heritage. DAROM, Journal of Jewish Studies. EISSN 2659-8272 / PISSN 2620-9967. GR 1093-2019., 1(6), 25. Retrieved from


The construction of the memory of Jewish immigrants and refugees, in the case studied here of those who arrived in Uruguay between the end of the 19th century and the middle of the 20th, coming from Europe, the Near East and North Africa, is an integral part of the intangible migratory heritage whose mark is still present in Uruguayan society.

The objective of this study is to build that memory of Jewish immigrants and refugees constituted by their experiences, both migratory and those of their lives in their countries of origin, which made them take the path of leaving these and opt for a new home in Uruguay. We mainly focus on the construction of the memory of those who arrived in the country as a result of the horrors suffered during the Shoah.

To achieve the objective described, it was decided to use a mixed methodological approach.

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El copyright de los artículos pertenece al Instituto Darom de Estudios Hebreos y Judíos de Granada, entidad editora de la Revista Darom.


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