“El amor de Roza” Un ejemplo de género adoptado en la literatura sefardí


How to Cite

Pardalou, E. (2023). “El amor de Roza” Un ejemplo de género adoptado en la literatura sefardí. DAROM, Journal of Jewish Studies. EISSN 2659-8272 / PISSN 2620-9967. GR 1093-2019., 1(5). Retrieved from https://revistadarom.es/index.php/Darom/article/view/86


The present research study is a Master's Thesis carried out within the framework of the Master's Degree in Arab and Hebrew Cultures: Al-Ándalus and the Contemporary Arab World. The study was carried out and edited according to the general formatting guidelines of the University of Granada for Master's Theses during the 2022/2023 academic year. The defense of the present Master’s Thesis was carried out on the 10th of July, 2023 in Granada, obtaining a grade of nine out of ten (outstanding). The aim of this research study was to delve deeper into the known as “adopted genre” in Judeo-Spanish literature –specifically in the genre of the romantic novel–, outlining the reasons that influenced its production and observing the impact it had on Sephardic society. In order to achieve the main goal of this research, the transcription and study of the unpublished short novel El amor de Roza was carried out, which forms part of the volume El Buketo de Pesah published in Thessaloniki in 1935 from the printing house of David Baruh Bezés.

El copyright de los artículos pertenece al Instituto Darom de Estudios Hebreos y Judíos de Granada, entidad editora de la Revista Darom.


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