Pope Clement VI and his bull Quamvis perfidiam in defense of the Jews during the black plague epidemic in 1348
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Black death
Clemente VI
papal bulls
Jewish Chronicles

How to Cite

Lara Olmo, J. C. (2023). Pope Clement VI and his bull Quamvis perfidiam in defense of the Jews during the black plague epidemic in 1348. DAROM, Journal of Jewish Studies. EISSN 2659-8272 / PISSN 2620-9967. GR 1093-2019., 1(5). Retrieved from https://revistadarom.es/index.php/Darom/article/view/80


The black death pandemic in the years 1347-1351 in western Europe brought on a violent persecution of Jews, whom Christians considered responsable for its outbreak and spread. But it also prompted Pope Clement VI to make a strong defence of them. This article deals with such defence conveyed in his bull Quamvis perfidiam, whose translation into Spanish gives, and with the Jewish bistorical texts refered to it.

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El copyright de los artículos pertenece al Instituto Darom de Estudios Hebreos y Judíos de Granada, entidad editora de la Revista Darom.


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