The Art as a Peace Aim
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How to Cite

Espinosa Villegas, M. Ángel. (2019). The Art as a Peace Aim: Setting up. Art and Judaism. DAROM, Journal of Jewish Studies. EISSN 2659-8272 / PISSN 2620-9967. GR 1093-2019., 1(1), 23. Retrieved from


The relationship established between art and peace is not only thematic. There is an extraordinary similarity and connection in the modes of execution of both concepts, which allows us to rethink any historical or cultural moment in which they seem to ally. This article reviews these forms of application and focuses on one of those cultural moments as an example, Judaism. The relationship between art, peace and Judaism, is framed from its origins by the religious differential fact and, nevertheless, it is evident that there is something that transcends the purely cultural to settle in the simply human and in the social reality. Connecting peace and Jewish art means talking about artist. It also implies talking about individual peace, group and social peace, as two different stages of a single concept: a way of understanding reality.

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El copyright de los artículos pertenece al Instituto Darom de Estudios Hebreos y Judíos de Granada, entidad editora de la Revista Darom.


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